Monday, December 29, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Well, like all of you, I don't have much to say since I just saw you...

But it was great to Skype. I loved seeing everyone and getting to talk to you all. :) It was the best Christmas ever! The music video was seriously the BEST present I could have ever gotten!! :) 

Well, I wish I had more to talk about but nothing has happened this week... Sorry!!

I hope you have a great week! 

Monday, December 22, 2014

I like the finer things in life......

(Read in a British accent)
Well, this week has just been grand. I had the wonderful Christmas conference and received great gifts. Thank you very much, they are verrry appreciated.
But Friday was a day that will never be forgotten! This is where my newly found life begins. I only like the finer things in life now. I only do ritzy things and only enjoy the best of things. On Friday night we went to the most glorious restaurant. It is called Three Sixty. The restaurant is at the top of a hotel on the Ohio River and it turns in a circle. It is marvelous and the view is spectacular! These are just a few of the nicer things that I have done now.
I hope you all have a wonderful week.
Merry Christmas.
Feliz Navidad! ( I speak Spanish now, don't you know)
Sister Shaw

Friday, December 12, 2014

Together for 6 more weeks!!

Wow. Another transfer has flown by! We had a great week to finish it off! :) We had a lot more success this week. Heavenly Father has just really been looking out for Sister Brown and I. We are so blessed. We are also blessed to stay here another 6 weeks! I am so excited to spend Christmas and new years with Sister Brown and here in Lake side park! :) 
The miracle of the week:
This is more of a funny one but great none the less! 
So on Friday or Saturday I got my package from you mom, with M&M's. I was so excited and I put them in the car to munch on while we drive. The car is where we spend most of time because we have to drive a lot to get places. So I put them in there and totally forgot that it wsa going to be fast sunday yesterday. So fast sunday came and the M&M's jsut sat and stared at me ALL DAY! I was so sad that I could eat them but I was not going to let Satan's temptation get the best of me. So I made it to dinner successfully. Keep in mind that we also went and took cookies to come people. Excellent self control if I do say so myself. So I ate a wonderful dinner with my favorite family in the ward when they brought us my favorite thing... dessert! I took one of the small chocolate cookies and died. The miracle is that I didnt actually die! :D no just kidding.... So as Sister Brown was about to take a cookie she noticed something.. a nut. Thats when everything came to a stand still. SHE IS ALLERGIC TO TREE NUTS! (Imagine this next sentence in slow motion) So I slapped the cookie out of her hand! ok... That didnt realy happen but it would have been funny. So Sister Brown couldnt eat the cookie, no dessert for her. So we made it back to our car when I remembered that I had M&M's! So, there it is, a true Christmas miracle! Thank you mother for loving me enough to send M&M's that my companion could eat for dessert yesterday!
Hope you all had a great week! 
I love you! 
Sister Shaw

Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Well. Just another great week out here in Kentucky! Just living the high life. haha. It has been great. The weather has been wonderful! No snow! lots of rain though which I am perfectly happy with! I am just grateful that my mission president has ever sister companionship in a car! :) 
I hope you all had a great thanksgiving. I had a wonderful dinner with a family. It was yummy and so fun! 
Things are going great here. Sister Brown is AWESOME and we are still having a lot of fun doing the work of the Lord. This is the lord's work. He has a plan for each and every one of us. It is our job to figure it out though! 
Miracle of the week:
We have been teaching a woman who wants to get baptized but her husband wont let her. So every fridaywe go to lunch with her and her husband to soften his heart. Well... it is working because he opened up to us and is going to let us work with him now and THEY BOTH CAME TO CHURCH! 
Miracles seriously can happen! Only by the grace of God!
I hope you all have a great week! 
I love you all!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Well, This has been a fun week. We have been working hard and having fun at the same time. We found 2 new investigators and actually got some members to come teach with us. That was great.
We have a great ward. They work so hard and they are so fun. 
Sister Brown is awesome. We are working hard but also having fun as you can tell from the pictures :) I love being with her. I have just loved being a missionary. Even though this is so hard, it is totally worth it. 
Yesterday I had to give a talk in sacrament meeting about Gratitude and I talked about being grateful in our circumstances. It is hard but totally worth it. That is how we find true joy and happiness. I hit my 15 month mark this week and I was reflecting on what I had done. I began to feel very sad and unaccomplished. I just felt like I was an awful missionary but then I remembered that God has given me my mission for me. He knows exactly what I need and loves me so much. I am so grateful to Him for giving me the mission I need to prepare me for the rest of my life. I need to remember that I have help more people than I know. I have helped many youth and members of the church and I am forever grateful to know them and to work with them. 
I am grateful for my God for loving me enough to cut me down, to hurt me. I know that is for my good. I love my mission. I love those I have the chance to serve. I am blessed and loved.
Have a great thanksgiving week!
I love you! 
Sister Shaw

Monday, November 17, 2014

We Laugh we cry we dumpster dive

Man, this has been an interesting week. Lots happened. 
So on Tuesday I got to spend the day in the Northern Kentucky Ward with my Sister Training Leaders. It was so much fun. They are so much fun. :) 
Then on Thursday we had a mission Tour. So a mission tour is when some one comes out and sees our mission. Looks at a what is going on and the work we are doing. So Elder Wilford W. Andersen of the 2nd Quorum of the Seventy came out and spoke to us. It was really cool. I got to see a lot of my old companions and friends :) It was so fun. 
Then on Friday, our sister training leaders called us and asked if we were by the church and we just happened to be, we are never up at the church. So they asked us to check the church for Sister Corbridge's camera because she lost it. So we did. We went all out. We looked everywhere! In every thing! Including the trash cans and dumpster! 
Then on Saturday, one of the sets of Elders had a baptism. We were asked to come and the missionaries in the Lakeside Park Ward (us, and 4 elders) sang When I Am Baptized. So we decided to practice before the baptism. So I played the top hand for us while we sang through it once. Then I decided to play a quick song on the piano before anyone got there and OF COURSE people came, so I played the prelude of the baptism for 40 minutes! hahhaha. It was soooo terrible! But I did play Joeph Smith's 1st prayer, Sweet Hour of Prayer and Nearer My God to Thee without messing up. I am counting the whole experience as a success! :) 
It has been a great week. I love you all! I hope you have a great day! 
Sis Shaw

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Satan in on the LOOSE

This has been a week to remember!! Holy cow! 
We have had soooo much opposition haha. It is actually kinda funny!
So have been working with a crazy member who has been working up so much drama. She is driving the ward crazy and is driving us crazy. I don'y even know what to do anymore. I just keep praying that Heavenly Father will tell me something to do... 
We also have run into a lot of people that just have not been very nice 
And lastly to top it all off....


Satan is REAL! He is out to get us. The work is hastening and we will win! No matter what Satan does, HE WILL NEVER WIN! We are going to come out on top! 


Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Well, I know you are dying to know where I am... I am in Lakeside Park, Kentucky!!! Yup. Good ol' Kentucky! The promise land! It is awesome here! The ward is not very big but they are fun. We had 2 sets of elders and 1 set of sisters. So it is flipped from my last ward. 
Well, my new companion is Sister Brown and she is from Eagle Mountain, Ut! She is from Sis Fausett's ward! So nuts because her ward is her street! So they live on the same street! SSOOOO crazy!!
And guess what! I was doubled in again! All 4 areas, doubled in every time! It has been an adventure! :) We are having a lot fun. Sis Brown is so stinkin cute. I love her to death. We are having so much fun. I am so blessed and so happy.
I am learning right now how to rely on Heavenly Father. He is the best. He knows what is best for us and he will bless us when we do his will. I am so blessed to be in the greatest mission in the entire world. To have the THE MOST inspired Mission President ever who builds my faith every day. I know that the Atonement is real. It can change us forever and we can become new. I know it because I have seen it. 
I hope you all have a great week and continue to look for the hand of the Lord! :) 
I love you but I don't miss you ;) 
Sister Shaw

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Well..... I am getting transferred tomorrow! I can't believe it! Sister Porter and I have only been companions for a transfer! I don't want to leave! It has been breaking my heart all day. I knew it was coming though. I wish I could stay though. This is going to be a crazy big transfer! AH!
But yeah. This week we went to the temple. It was AMAZING like always. I learned so much and I am just happier than ever. I feel like I get re-boosted every time I go. It is so nice. 
Well, our investigators are doing well. It was a hard week with them. We didn't get anyone to church and it has just been frustrating. No one really moving so I knew that my time was up. I have done everything I can here. I have helped in every way possible. Hopefully I can continue to help in my next area. We will see what happens :) 
Be a light to everyone around you! 3 Nephi 12:14-16
I love you all! I hope you all have a great week. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Just keep swimming......

Well, This has been a pretty weak week. haha. Funny :) 
No but really. This has been a week to remember. Not a lot happened. Satan is so real. I know because of this week. He has been working really hard. Which I though was just on me. But no. I was WAY off. Not only was my companion having a hard week, but so was most of the mission.
Our mission President sent out a voicemail yesterday telling us to keep going. It is hard right now because Satan is trying to stop us. We are doing super well I guess for how young of a mission we are. So Satan is trying to bring us down but jokes on him because we aren't going to move. 
I am so grateful to be learning all of the lessons I am learning here. I know that I am here in Cherry Grove with Sister Porter for a reason. I love this ward. I love my companion. Life is great. 
Just keep going because it is always the darkest before the light comes. :) 
Shine Bright! 
Sister Shaw

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Remain at your post

Hello! :)
Well. I hope you all had a great week like we did. We have been having so much fun and things are just going very well. We had so much Grace from Heavenly Father this week. It was so great. I am so blessed to see so many miracles everyday! :) 
Well, the reason I did not write yesterday was because we had a Sisters Conference. It was so great! It was exactly what I needed. I got a lot of answers to questions and just feel so uplifted by the Spirit. :) The thing that I learned the most was that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and how important it is to have faith in His plan. President Porter read some verses from Alma 56 with us and it was just so perfect. That is the chapter about the 2000 Stripling Warriors and how they knew their mothers knew it. I had the thought that I wanted to be like that. I want my children to know that I know. Then the Spirit taught me that if I want them to know that I have to exercise my faith. I have to take bigger leaps of faith. I have to completely trust in the Lord. I have to show that it is possible because if I don't, then who will? 
I know that people need our examples. I know that I am setting an example for my future family and whatever else Heavenly Father has in store for me. Heavenly Father loves me. He will take care of me if I trust in Him. :) Always turn to the Lord and He will direst thy paths. You will have no need to fear :) 
I love you. Have a great week!
Sista Shaw
1. Sis Low, Sis Porter and I. Love these sistas so much! Friends FOREVER :) 
2. S'mores! The kitten we found out side our apartment so I made him a home outside. He only stayed 1 night.
3. Sis Christensen and I. We are going to AZ together. BFFs :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

General Conference!

Well, This has been a great week! mostly because we had an amazing General Conference! It was so inspired and exactly what I needed! 
Well, this week we had a lot of good and a lot had a really really hard day. It was totally worth it though because of General Conference. I think my biggest take away was that I need to be converting myself EVERY DAY! It is so important. I realized that I need to be doing what the Lord wants me to be doing and not what I want. God has a plan for me and it is WAY better than what I have planned. I know there are good, better, and best decisions and I am in the process of figuring all of those out. 
Heavenly Father is so aware of us. He loves us all and knows us better than we know ourselves. We have no need to fear when we are following what we think are promptings. Heavenly Father will consecrate our efforts. 
Miracles come from following Heavenly Father. keep it up! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

13 Months and a new companion!

​Well, I know you all want to hear the exciting news of who my new companion is... But you will have to wait a little bit. :) I want to tell you who else is serving with me. So This week we got a new sister in the zone and a new zone leader. And guess what! They are Sister Anderson and Elder Christensen from Kettering! It has been so fun to have them here! I was in shock when I heard that they were coming here. They both followed me. If you don't remember who they are, Sister Anderson was my 2nd companion in Kettering, and Elder Christensen was in Kettering for 5 of the 6 months I was there. 
But yes, now the real news. My new companion is Sister Porter :) haha. Yes. She is my mission president's niece. She is 19 from Morgan, UT and we just have a great time together. She is just super fun and loves to laugh. We just mess around and have a great time. :) I am sad not to have Sister Fausett with me but I think Sister Porter is a great companion to have right after her. :) I am just happy. Sister Porter is AWESOME and such a hard worker. A lot of good is going to happen here in Cherry Grove with her. 
Well, I hope you all have a great week! 

My new Companion: Sister Porter!!

Bye Sister Fausett......

13 months!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Short and Sweet....

This was a great week! We had lots and lots of success. Sorry I don't have time to email. I am helping Sister Fuasett pack today. She is leaving and I am not. The REDS game was AWESOME! I had soooo much fun! Here are pictures. We have an investigator getting baptized on October 11. Pray for him! 
I love you! Don't miss you! 
Sister Shaw

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Miracles this week!!!

Wow. This has just been a WONDERFUL week. I am just so blessed. Yet again I have learned that after the trial of your faith that the miracles come. I can never deny the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon because of Ether 12:6 and Ether 12:27 :)
So after a week of NOTHING happening. And when I say nothing. I mean N-O-T-H-I-N-G! We had a amazing week. We hit a the highest standards in the mission and we just worked really hard. I have learned a lot about the importance of diligence, humility, and patience.
We are just so blessed. Heavenly Father wants to bless us. I have noticed that with each trial I am becoming stronger. I am learning more and more what it is going to take to be the person that God needs me to be when I get home.
I know that the church of Jesus of Christ of Latter day saints is Jesus Crhist's church. I know that it was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know that we have the power that is decribed in Mattew16:19, to seal families on earth and heaven.
I am so grateful for all of the support that I receive from everyone.
Thank you so much. I hope you all have a wonderful week.
Sista Shaw
1. Siser Fausett, Ashley Rupp and I. Ashley Rupp is AWESOME :) I miss her.
2. Sister Herndon and I. My sister Training Leader from Carlsbad :) We are going to be EFY counselors together.
3. We had a car wash yesterday. Went SUPER well. Lots of fun :)
4. My Twin Sister Crhistensen. I have NEVER met anyone so similar to me. We are basically the same person ahha. We have so much fun together!

Monday, August 25, 2014

One year!!!

​This has been a week. We are working really hard and Satan has been working really hard on us. I hope that we can see a little more success next week. It has been really HOT so not very many people are out side and we are not allowed to tract so it has been... fun... ahah :) 
Well. I hit my year mark and it was CRAZY! It goes by so fast! Gosh. I just want it slow down. But yeah. This has been a week. Not much happened. We went to Stake conference though. That was fun! I got to see all of my WEST CHESTER/ MASON friends. It was AWESOME! I loved that.  People actually remembered me. I was suprised! But yeah. I have to go. Sorry this is so short. But I love you all! 
Sister Shaw

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It isn't work it is FUN!!!

Hello Everyone! 
It is great to hear from you again. This week has been good :) It has been so cool to see miracle after miracle. Heavenly Father has His hands in the work.  Heavenly Father knows what He is doing. It has been so cool to realize that whatever I choose to do I know that Heavenly Father will consecrate my efforts :) 
What makes me think of this the most this week was one event. So on Wednesday Sister Fausett and I were given the assignment to go to the store and get Sister Low, a sister in the zone, a birthday card for her birthday on Friday. So we went to the store on our dinner break. While we were at the store a guy came up to us and was like, Hey are you Mormon? and we were like... Yes... Are you? and He said yes. He had just recently moved to Cincinnati and couldn't find the Church of anything. So we gave him the information and he came to church on Sunday! It was so cool! We went to the store at the perfect time to meet this guy. 
I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for every moment of our lives. He wants to help us and He loves us. He wants us to be a part of His work. The elect are all around us. We jsut have to talk to everyone and the elect will show some interest. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel. I know there are people all around us ready to listen to the gospel.
Have a great week! 
I love you!
P.s. The card we got was AWESOME! Sister low is from scottland so I got her a Brave card that played scottish music. She loved it. It was awesome. :)

Monday, August 11, 2014


ood morning everyone :)
I hope you all had a great week. I know I did. It was so crazy amazing. We reached so many of our goals and exceeded a lot of them too. :) It was just really cool. 
So to start off, we found 4 new investigators when we were shooting for 2. We found a couple, an older man and a single mom. It was crazy. They all came from just talking to everyone we saw. I have really gained a testimony that the Lord places people in our path so that we can help them find the joy that comes from the gospel :) 
We also reached our small goal of having 3 member present lessons this week. Now this is where the miracle is. It was so cool! Ok, So we were out with a recently returned missonary on Saturday. So we went over to our appointment and she was just leaving! So we talked to her and got her to sick around just enough so that we could teach her a little and she invited us to come back next week. So we looked at our watch and saw that we still have Sister Rupp with us for about 45 minutes. So we went to her car and prayed to see where we should go and we all decided that we should go see another investigator. So we went over there and found her by the pool. (That sucked for me because swimming is one of the things I have missed the most!) So we talked to her and she has so many questions of the soul that we can answer with the Book of Mormon and she told us to call her next week so we can come over. :) then we saw that we had to go home sadly, and we were one lesson away from our goal. But as we looked around we saw a lady sitting with a bunch of kids and as we talked to her she said that she had to go but we got her information and she said we can go back this week also! 
It was so amazing to see all of these miracles. I know miracles are a reflection of our faith. I know that this is the Lord's work. He loves all of us and wants us to succeed. He loves us all and wants all of His children to part take of the gospel. Help the missionaries find the elect! <---D&C 123:12
I love you! Hope you all have great weeks this week! Keep praying! :)
Sister Shaw

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Well, for the news of what is going to be happening for the next 6 weeks, I am staying here with Sister Fasuett :) I am so happy. We are going to have so much fun! I could not believe we are staying together again! So awesome! :) 
Well. This was a good week. We had lots of lessons and lots of fun. We are working really hard on getting this area to move and I know these next 6 weeks are going to be FULL of miracles! We are working with a family right now that we are hoping will get baptized soon. They have needs that we cant find yet but we are still looking! But other than that, we are just having fun :) 
I know that missionary work is the Lord's work. He has chosen each of us to be where we are right now so that we can help all those around us move closer to the Savior in one way or another. I know that the Lord works through the weak and that is why he has chosen me! I know that through Him I can do anything. I love this gospel and I love being a missionary. I will be so sad when my time is up.
Sorry I don't have much to say. 
I love you! 
-Sister Shaw
#aint no rest for the righteous! 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Because I am happy!!

I cut my hair!!

I am just happy. I am happy to be a missionary. I am happy to be me. I am happy to be serving in the incredible Ohio. I am happy to be a servant of Jesus Christ. I am happy with my life. :) 
this has just been a good week. Things worked out really well for us. We had a lot of success, especially with working with the members. We got 4 new investigators this week and they were all referrals. It was awesome. The work is moving pretty well here in Cherry Grove. :) 
But yeah. I am just so grateful for the opportunity to serve a mission. Yesterday at church we had a missionary come home from Norway. She gave her homecoming talk and I was on the verge of tears. It made me realize more and more that one day that will be me. My mission will come to an end. That is a scary thought to me. This has been the BEST 11 months of my life and I will remember them forever. I will always cherish being a missionary. 
Sorry this week was not very eventful. Just remember that God loves you. Read The first great commandment by Elder Holland. It is great. "The greatest characteristic of love is loyalty." :) 
I love you all! Have a great week!
Sister shaw
Ether 12:6

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

11 months!!!

This week has been a great week. I have learned so much just this week. I think I have grown closer to my Heavenly Father this week than my entire mission/life. And the best part of it all, I grew closer because of my weaknesses. 
So this week began and ended with me read Ether 12:27 that says 
"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
I have been praying for many weeks to come closer to my Heavenly Father but after reading this scripture I asked Him to show me a weakness of mine. In the middle of the week I discovered a major weakness of mine that I have had my entire life. It was hard for me to accept at first but I humbled myself I realized that this would be a chance for me to help other people. I humbled myself more and turn to the Lord and asked for help to make this become something more, something better. As the week went on I noticed that each day it was become easier, better. I was just in general happier. Now as of today, I can say that I am the closest to my Heavenly Father than I have ever been. 
I know that I am a daughter of a king. A Heavenly king who loves me and I love him. I have promised in my covenants to stand as His witness and I will never move. I know that just like it says in Docrtine and Covenants 122:7 "that all these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good." I know that these things are true. I know that Joseph Smith and Thomas S. Monson are Prophets of God. I know that Jesus Christ lives and write all of these things in His name, even Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Death Bed

Hello again from Beautiful Cincinnati! :)
So... the reason I called this letter Death is because.... Get ready for this.... I thought I was going to DIE! Sister Fausett and I got FOOD POISONING! FOR 5 DAYS!!! We were out from Tuesday to Friday and had our first full day back yesterday. Holy cow it was awful. It is not fun being sick on your mission. My diet this week has been crackers, Gatorade, and tortillas. (Sorry I had to buy all of that on my personal card) haha. 
But yeah. I am actually grateful for this week though. I learned a lot. 
1. I learned that food poisoning is not fun
2. I learned that I can survive it.
3. I learned that I am not much of a complainer anymore... which is not perfect now but I am doing a lot less of it. 
4. I got a lot of great spiritual insight because we were inside so much. 
So I really want to tell you what all I learned this week. So I want to start off by talking about what I just finished reading in the Book of Mormon. I just finished Alma 26 and if you know what that is you know that it is the humility chapter, and when Ammon talks about how glorious it is to be an instrument of God. It was just so cool to see that Heavenly Father is allowing us to help Him. Heavenly Father can make things happen when He needs them to. I know this is true because this week we only met with one of our investigators once (yes, while we were sick...don't worry we didn't get sick on them though) and they still came to church! Heavenly Father lets us help Him so that we can gain experience. 
I also learned a lot about the first and great commandment. To love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, might, mind, and strength. Elder Holland had a talk on this from the October 2012 general conference that we watched. It was incredible and the quote that stuck out to me the most was, The greatest characteristic of LOVE is LOYALTY. That really hit me because all we have to do to show Heavenly Father, and each other that we love Him or each other is by being loyal. It was just a really great lesson I learned. 
But yeah. That was my week. Remember, that when life gives you lemons, or food poisoning, then make lemonade, or have spiritual experiences! :) haha. Have a great week! I love you all!
Sister Leslie Shaw

Monday, June 30, 2014


Holy Cow! It has been an amazing week! I cannot believe how much it turned around in just 3 days! WOW! 
So this week we found 5 new investigators, and 2 came to church! We are teaching a family now and they are so prepared. They love the gospel and all of the family liked church. It is amazing to see Heavenly Father working in the lives of people. In Alma 16:16&17 Heavenly Father promises that he is preparing people and I have been able to see this scripture come to life right before my eyes. It is amazing how I will talk to people and they will tell me about the trials they have gone through and all of their hardships and I then have the blessed opportunity to show them how those experience brought us to them. As I testify to them I see the light of Christ come onto their face and joy fills their hearts and they are excited for us to return. 
Because of this week I have been able to see that Heavenly Father truly has a plan for everyone and every choice that we make has a consequence. This week I was talking with my Bishop's wife and she was saying that she firmly believes that if we make a decision based on what we think the Spirit is telling us, Heavenly Father will consecrate that and use it to bless people. So ALWAYS do what you think the Spirit is telling you and you will be blessed :) 
I want everyone to know that I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that I am a choice daughter of God. He has a plan and a happily ever after for me. I know that I am blessed to be apart of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I want everyone to know that I know that is Christ's church. He leads and guides it through our prophet Thomas S. Monson. I know these things to be true. "I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dare I do it;" (Joseph Smith- History 1:25)
I love you all and hope you have a great week! 
Sister Shaw
3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, June 23, 2014

Good afternoon everybody! :) 
So this has been a trial of my faith week. We did not have as much success as we were hoping for. But the good news is... we get to stay here for another 6 weeks together! No one in our ward is getting tranferred :) That is 3 companionships! I am so excited. 
But yeah. We had to drop one of our investigators this week because he was being kinda interesting... He is a 71 year old man who calls sister Fausett "Preacher" because she whips out scriptures all the time and calls me "Angel" because I have a glow about me? He is different... :) 
So we have about 2 investigators right now and we are hoping to find a lot more this week. 
Heavenly Father likes to give me trials of my faith. That trial is in not finding people to teach and everyone dropping us in one week. It is fun... Sometimes. haha. With all of these trials I know I can last a little longer than the last time. I am going on 2 weeks now. That is longer than I have lasted yet. haha. So I think I can do this. 
I hope you can keep exercising your faith. If we aren't working to act on our testimonies then they won't last long. Keep going forward. There is no growing in a comfort zone and their is no comfort in a growing zone. That is our missions saying at the moment. 
Oh, ps. One of my investigators from Kettering in getting baptized this weekend! I am so happy. It is going to be awesome! :) 
Hope you all have a great week! I hope you are having a fun vacation mom and dad. 
sister shaw

Friday, June 20, 2014

Happy Happy

Good afternoon fam-bam :) 
I hope you are all doing well. I don't ever miss you of course. It has been a fun week. I am learning so much from my mission. I am so grateful to be here especially with President Porter as my mission President. He is AWESOME! I am learning so much from him. 
So we have been working really hard and it paid off a little. We are finding, trying to teach, and we want to baptize. We are working a lot on our faith which I am so happy about because I need more of that. I am so excited. I have been reading my patriarchal blessing a lot and I have been trying to figure out how to become that person and I think I am getting that chance by being here. 
So this week we have been having fun. We had exchanges this week and I actually was with Sister fox this time. So funny story about Sister fox. We are facebook friends. We became friends after we both had our mission calls. She was Ryley Peabody's FHE sister and he remembered that that is where I was going so we kind of knew each other before our missions. Small world moment :) But yeah. 
I am trying to think of what happened this week and the only thing I can think about is Faith. That has been the center of my week. Everything that I have done has come by to that one thing. I am learning that faith is more than I thought but easier also. Faith is a thing hoped for but not seen. Hope is believing and expecting something to happen. So if I want faith in baptizing I have to believe it is possible and then expect it to happen . So simple but yet so hard haha. I am learning how to develop that more though :) 
Well, I hope you all have a great week! I love you! 
Sister Shaw

Monday, June 9, 2014

Wait What??

o this has been an interesting week haha. 
The main reason is because of what happened on Wednesday. At about 5 in the evening we got a call for our zone leaders and it kinda went like this:
Elder Price: "Hey Sisters, are you ok?"
Me: "Um... yeah.... why?"
Elder Price: "There was a tornado that was between Mt. Washington and Batvia."
Me: "Wait What?"
Elder Price: "Yeah, you didn't know?"
Me: "No, we didn't heard sirens or anything... but I guess that explains the crazy weather..."
Elder Price: "haha. Ok. Well be careful, we have to go and call the other sisters."
Me: "We will try..."
haha. It was so crazy! There was tornado that hit our ward! It hit out in the middle of no where I guess though. It was a funny phone call though ahah. 

Well... other than that... nothing exciting has happened. We have been doing well. A lot of hard work but we have an investigator looking to get baptized at the end of the month :) I am learning so much. I am learning how to submit myself to Heavenly Father! It is so cool. I know that as I hit my hard parts I will have success. Heavenly Father is with us in our afflictions (Mosiah 23:10). 
I wish I had more to say but I just want to say, I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us. I know that Christ walks with us. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Lord's kingdom once again on the earth and that he leads and guides the church through our prophet Thomas S. Monson. 
I love you!
Sister Shaw